1.4 Billion | World's
Oldest living Civilisation
Connecting Indian Cultural Heritage with the World
There is no thought in the East or the West, that is not active somewhere in some Indian mind
India is the birthplace of human speech, the mother of History
Mark Twain
Grandmother of Legend & Great Grandmother of Tradition
Incredible India

I am


Hear me Roar

Building a Girls School in rural Rajasthan
The Trust is building a girls school in the rural village of Dholagarh, in Rajasthan about 200 kms from India’s Capital, Delhi. Till date there is no school in the village since India’s independence and children have to walk long hours to reach a distant school in another village. This has led to many young girls being denied basic education as their parents fear for their safety and well being and do not let their daughters enrol in the far away school
sq. mts Land
Girl students
Classes till standard 8

Matrimonial Dispute Resolution

Helping Young Families talk
Indian families grapple with divorce as it is a very brutal process in society. We help young couples simply sit together and talk and resolve their differences, while supporting their choices with mutual understanding

Ensuring Safety and Dignity
Children end up being the main victims of brutal divorce proceedings as they are forced to choose between parents at a young age. Moreover the very dignity and character of women is questioned in front of society during divorce. We work on reducing trauma for children during separation

Shradhanjali : Family Tribute for loved ones
What we Do
How we Help
Why it Matters
Family is most important for all Indians. During the death of elders and loved ones, there is so much grief and trauma that immediate family members are not in a position to manage all the rituals and Shradhanjali on their own. We help them to honour the memory of their loved ones with utmost respect, dignity and feelings
We arrange special Shradhanjali (tribute) for the deceased, ensuring that we encapsulate their essence, life, love and achievements into a wonderful showcase for the extended family: something extraordinary for all loved ones to remember them by and honour their life properly with the dignity they deserve
Respecting and honouring the memory of loved ones is perhaps the most important thing a son and daughter can do for their father or mother. Their death in itself is such a huge loss, that in the immediate days they are shellshocked. We step in at that time and ensure they are honoured and remembered the right way

Building Peace
The Trust leads Peace Dialogues and Initiatives, to build and sustain peace when conflict breaks out in society. We have coordinated and led Peace Dialogues in Manipur, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi. We are invested in creating small peace constituencies across the nation
We designate youth who believe in peace as 'Young Peace Ambassadors' training and equipping them to build & advocate peace and harmony between communities different religions. Our Ambassadors have worked hard and achieved phenomenal results!
Listen, Act, Learn. Respect
Societal harmony can be achieved when kids are allowed to be kids irrespective of caste, creed or religion. 68% of Indian children aged 3-6 yrs lack access to Early Childhood Education (ECE) in the country
Students Educated
Kids lack ECE
Workshops Held
Building a New Future for Young India
India is one of the youngest countries in the world with 65% of Indians below the age of 35 years