
IAAN HOUSE , Opp-C766, New Friends Colony, New Delhi-110025 INDIA

+91 9999860895

+91 011 42909920

Empower. Support. Care

Let's Create a Better World Together

For Education

For Children

For Livelihood

For Community

Gift an Education !

Donate an education to a young child today and secure their future! Mahatma Gandhi had famously said, if we want real peace in the world, we must begin by educating our children! Good education ensures that a child gets access to the resources and knowledge they need to build a life and career for themselves.

Act today and help a young child in need!Β 

Support a Child's Future

Millions of children around the world are trapped in hard child-labour, scarcity of resources and are living in abject poverty. These children yearn for a basic simple thing that all of us take for granted - 𝘦𝘲𝘢𝘒𝘭 𝘰𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘡𝘢𝘯π˜ͺ𝘡𝘺. The equal opportunity to study, to build a future and a life for themselves.

Every child deserves the right to life. Donate to make that a reality.


Empower women self help groups !

Women are the heart of Indian families and also the most hardworking members of society. In rural communities, women often form Self Help Groups (SHGs) to sell their originally created handicrafts, clothes and other small items. These SHGs sustain their basic income and help them survive and bond with the community.

Help a young women promote her handicraft and local tradition!


Help children be children and prevent exploitation !

Children and Youth are often easy targets for exploitation. Poverty combined with lack of opportunity and stress can oftentimes play havoc in the minds of adolescents and youth, particularly young girls. These conditions are easily exploited and can ruin young lives.

Donate to help Children and Youth get a normal happy life!


We Need Your Help

PDKCT is a National NGO based in New Delhi since 2002. The Trust is permitted under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA), Govt. of India to receive foreign donations and is 80-G certified and compliant under the income tax act for charity purposes. All donations made to the Trust are income tax free.

Safe + Easy Donations

Give someone a New Life

We help donors make safe and easy tax-deductible donations from across the world to vetted, locally-driven and practical programs and women led self help groups. All Donations are tax-deductible globally and certified.

Girls School in Rajasthan
Medical and Health Camps for children

Frequently Asked Questions

How and where are my donations used ?

All donations are used to to help and aid local communities in India, across the 6 focus areas of our Charitable Trust :

π‘Ήπ’π’•π’Š - Food & Nutrition

𝑲𝒂𝒑𝒂𝒅𝒂 - Clothing and Dignity

π‘΄π’‚π’Œπ’‚π’‚π’ - Housing & Shelter

π‘·π’‚π’‚π’π’Š - Water & Sanitation

π‘²π’Šπ’•π’‚π’ƒ - Education & Resources

π‘²π’‚π’‚π’Ž - Employment & Work

Can I donate for a specific purpose ? E.g. - for girls education or for building homes for underprivileged

Yes. You can specify the purpose of your donation and where you would like your money to be used. We are 100% committed to ensuring that specified donations are used only for the mentioned purposes and provide certificates to donors for the same.

If you need any assistance in choosing which of the Trust's project to support, feel free to reach us at . Our specialists can guide you in this good cause.Β 

Will I get a donation certificate after making a contribution for income tax/ tax filing purposes ?

Yes. Being a Charitable Trust we provide donation certificates on request for tax filing purposes.

Simply send us your donation receipt/ thank you message along with basic details such as the donation amount, date of donation, country of residence etc. to info@pdkct.orgΒ and we will be able to provide you with a donation certificate within a few days.

After making a major donation, can I do a site visit to see for myself the benefits for young girls, children & women ?

Yes. All donors, big and small are welcome for field visits to our different projects from time to time.

Usually, the Trust organises such visits at regular intervals and informs all donors in a timely manner about the upcoming visits.

Feel free to reach out to us for more details and the next dates for the visit dates!

Donation Updates

Special Visits for Donors

At periodic intervals, the Trust launches Donation Calls and Fund Me Campaigns for Special Projects. Information and updates on the Special Donation Calls are updated in this section at regular intervals.

You can also reach out to us directly to find out about any special aid projects that we are currently supporting and running in India.

Please Note: Donations can be made directly using UPI to the Trust's account. QR Code is given below. This facility is available for Indian residents only.

Trust organises special visits for donors on request. Donors are taken to different sites where they can see our programs in action. Most of the visits take place in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, which has the largest population in India and also is the place where a majority of our programs are run.

Donors must make a written request for a field visit in a timely manner. The field visits serve as an important reminder of the real-life impact your donations make in the lives of local communities and villages.

Our World

Educating Afghan Girls


Save People. Shape Lives. Serve Society

Protecting Children

Building New India by empowering Indian children

Sexual violence and abuse is a major crises in India, specially for children. Data from the official National Crimes Records Bureau shows that child rape cases encompassing all forms of penetrative assaults have risen by 96% from 2016 to 2022.

Through its awareness and child protection programs, the Trust does a lot of work in this space, striving empower children to live safe, healthy and happy lives.


Children are Labourers


Child Marriages Annually


Children experience sexual crime

Progress thus far

ROTI | Food & Nutrition
KAPDA | Clothing & Dignity
MAKAAN | Shelter & Homes
PAANI | Water & Sanitation
KITAB | Education & Empowerment
KAAM | Work & Livelihood